About Us

It starts with Who We Are.
 At Mlezzi Tutors, we pride ourselves on being a premier online tutoring company committed to providing unparalleled academic assistance on a global scale. Our mission is to empower students to unlock their full potential through personalized and engaging learning experiences. Mlezzi Tutors stands apart by fostering real learning and genuine connections between our expert tutors and students, transcending the limitations of artificial intelligence. 
At the heart of our ethos is the belief that true learning is a dynamic, human-centric process. Our dedicated team of experienced tutors is passionate about guiding students through their academic journey, tailoring their approach to individual learning styles and needs. We prioritize real connections, understanding that the key to academic success lies in meaningful interactions that inspire confidence and intellectual growth. 
We differentiate ourselves by embracing the human touch in education, promoting a learning environment where students feel heard, supported, and challenged to excel. Our commitment to "Real Learning, Real Connection, No AI" reflects our unwavering dedication to providing authentic educational experiences that go beyond automated solutions. Join Mlezzi Tutors for a transformative learning experience that goes beyond the ordinary, where education is personal, engaging, and tailored to each student's unique path to success.


Mlezzi Academic Honesty Policy

Mlezzi considers learning to be an important personal responsibility, and we only support services that supports a student's or tutor's integrity.

Mlezzi Provides its services solely for the purpose of facilitating continued learning, not cheating. Each platform user accepts Mlezzi's Terms and Conditions when creating an account. This means, students agree not to inquire about the hiring of tutors through Mlezzi to  write papers, complete assignments, take (or help take) quizzes and examinations, or otherwise conduct other actions on their behalf in violation of academic honesty policies or other conduct policies of their academic institution or workplace. 

Tutors agree through Mlezzi platform, not to help students complete work or tests, or engage in any activity that might violate the academic honesty policy or other conduct policies of the student's school, university, academic institution or workplace.

Mlezzi reserves the right to deny, revoke, or limit access to the platform to students or tutors who do not abide by this policy.


130 +

Languages & Subjects Available to Learn


Teachers From 120 Countries


Learners From 180 Countries